A few ideas to begin with

IMG_0795We have been brainstorming this week and discussing ideas related to the Tiny House Project. One of the problems we wondered if we could tackle is financial support for the community, which is one of their biggest concerns. Of course, everything is still only on paper, but maybe one of these will eventually help raising some funds:

  • Renting out
    What about people who would like to go tiny, but have no idea if they can handle the alternate lifestyle? Why not try it out living tiny for a month or two before making the decision?
  • Community’s own workshop
    Organizing an open event from time to time to help the interested find out more about building their own tiny houses could also be a fun fundraiser.
  • „Peep inside a tiny house“
    Taking your tiny house on wheels to fairs and public events and letting people take a look inside for a small donation. Great way to popularize the community!</li
  • Making a catalogue
    Why not provide an insight – what materials to use for a tiny house and the approximate costs?
  • While not being the main focus, it wouldn’t be a waste to raise the popularity of this little community. Perhaps their own YouTube channel with a weekly “1 day in a Tiny House” video by various members of the community could prove an interesting advertisement.Besides funding, there is another obstacle that tiny house owners face – a house on wheels cannot be given a proper address. If you live in a tiny house, you may still need to be registered at a regular house or apartment, necessary for having a driver’s license, etc. Even though we are not yet certain that we can contribute in this field, the community could benefit from the opportunity to form, perhaps, an area where registration of tiny houses is possible. A small village, if you will, with its own post box poll and a community’s own flag raised high beside it and tiny houses parked all around…These are the first ideas on how this community could possibly evolve. As for our next steps – we will hear what our NGO representative Shorty Robbins has to say on everything so far and we will be sure to update you, our readers, as well.Sincerely,F.I.T.

P.S. Turns out photos cannot be added in the comments section, so here is an addition from our documentarian Elias. The team`s sweet spot, and the needs of our NGO:



13 thoughts on “A few ideas to begin with”

  1. You guys got some really good ideas going there! Not just the usual boring crowdfunding…
    How did you brainstorm? In a group of 5 or did you collect ideas you all came up with and then refined them? Would love to find out about that!

    All the best,


    1. We each came up with our own ideas and then gathered and refined them in a group meeting. 🙂 I don’t think the usual croudfunding would work very well in this case, because our NGO is mostly about its own members and doesn’t exactly offer things like free art, etc. in return for the donations.


  2. I especially like the YouTube channel idea since there have been so many vloggers making tons of cash doing something like that. It might just kick it. But next to tis positively great idea brainstorming, you might want to try to think about what the major issues are that keep a TH community from starting – let’s say – today… And then look deeper into each issue. For example, if city government is a difficulty, what could make it a winning situation for that particular city gov? Where can you discover more wins like that and how can the coming themes help you pinpoint them better?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I just had a thought. Do you all think it is useful to look at what last year’s teams did for Shorty and Tiny House, or that would be distracting? I”m curious to know what you think.


    P.S. I like the way you used the image on the left. Nice work!


    1. Hey there, Nancy!

      Thanks for the interest. From the start of we knew that we don’t want to get trapped in a frame even-though there were a few temptations to do so and go the easier route. From my point of view the mystique and the confusion is great it makes a person act beyond his limits… or let go of everything but that’s not the case here. We would consider looking up other groups just to improve our agenda and to be more unique, seeing what else there is to it. Great that you noticed the pic. When we where gathering resources we where mind blown how the space in the tiny house can be used. It’s really catchy and even some of us would consider to build a tiny studio/relax place. But of course we are here to raise awareness and it would be great that after all of this we could make a tiny community sustainable financially and like really legit in eyes of the law ( Having postboxes outside a tiny village and having the ability to register under a tiny house community ). We come up to a point that we see how open this market is and that we can create or help to create businesses inside-out community. Follow us in the upcoming weeks we are really about to go frenzy on this!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. We want to make a difference. This project is an opportunity for us to do that! The tiny house community needs assistance in their development and this is also a great learning opportunity for our team. With our practical and realistic insight we can help them fulfill their goals and this fits perfectly with our sweet spot.


    1. Hey there Alan,

      Thanks for the comment. As our team leader mentioned we all came up with ideas. This is the display of the ones that are accessible to start of, Don’t want to tease but all the other ones are in the vault and need some polish. We have something very much a like it’s good to see that we’re on the same mindset!


  4. The Tiny House project seems like such a nice and fun project! From what I have read on other posts the entire group has come up with some very creative ideas. I especially like the idea of taking the tiny houses to events. It’s a good and very creative idea to show people what a tiny houses are capable off!


  5. Nice blog! Looks like you have some similar ideas to us in relation to tourism. One we definitely did not think of was the youtube channel, great idea, and like Laura said a really easy way of making money. Something you should definitely investigate further 🙂 I also like your ‘peep inside a tiny house’ (which is a great name for it) idea, i think this would spread the tiny house movement very well. One problem we have come up with in relation to tourism, especially the renting out of tiny houses is how and who would manage this in an affordable way without outsourcing and employing someone to do so. We are still trying to think of ways to get around this… what do you lot think? Have you had any thoughts on this?


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